PumpHouse Community Brewery Limited
We are a community owned brewery based in the small North Essex village of Toppesfield, next to The Green Man pub, which is also community owned.
We supply ales to pubs and clubs in the Essex/West Suffolk area, including The Green Man. We have appeared at a number of beer festivals and we also provide beers for private functions such as weddings.
We are always happy to have visitors, although it is safer to call ahead.
You can buy bottled beers directly from us, and we will be pleased to show you around our small, but perfectly formed, brewery.
Our Story………
……… began in early 2015, when Pumphouse Community Brewery was established. It was the first co-operative community owned brewery in the country.
Pumphouse is owned by more than 80 individuals. We have a professional brewer, Aaron Osborne, who is responsible for production, but the rest of the day-to-day running is undertaken by a group of volunteers.
Pumphouse is run democratically, each member having one vote at members’ meetings, irrespective of the number of shares they hold.
The brewery was established as a not-for-private-profit company. As such, any surpluses achieved can only be used for reinvestment in the brewery or for distribution to the broader community.
……….were, when we started, and continue to be:
- to produce good quality, good value traditional ales;
- to create employment opportunities in Toppesfield;
- to provide new volunteering opportunities, especially for the retired;
- to work closely with our neighbouring community owned pub, The Green Man, and with our community owned shop to make the village an attractive destination for visitors.
- To broaden our membership through the continuing sale of community shares.
Pumphouse is a community benefit society, registered at the Financial Conduct Authority under the Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (registration number: 7061)
When we started in 2015, we were able to raise the total of £38,000 to purchase the full brewing equipment and undertake building work to convert an earlier cart lodge into what is now Pumphouse Community Brewery.
We were fortunate to be supported in our endeavours by the following grant making bodies:
- Braintree District Council’s ‘Mi Community Fund’ £10,000.00
- The Sainsbury Family Charitable Trust £4,000.00
- Essex Community Foundation £3,000.00
In addition, we raised the sum of £21,000.00 through a Community Share sale from 76 shareholders.
Since then we have raised a further £1,450.00 in sales of Community Shares and now have over 80 shareholders.